over 6 years ago by KK Wong
I dont have t spline can i still do the tutorial?
Joseph over 5 years ago
is the course ready yet? Or some alternative way to learn this couses? thank you!
Arie Willem de Jongh over 5 years ago
Hi Joseph,
Not yet, the feature is still in Beta for Rhino 6. When Rhino 7 comes out it should be ready. You still could do the course, only the modeling of the coarse mesh roof will be a bit harder, because you have to use Rhino's native mesh edit and creation tools, which are kind of crappy, but they work. After you've finished the roof use the command "_ToSubd" to convert the coarse mesh to a Subd.
More info on the state of development here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BsNLtTj8s0J-7uBuuKDRWJq6VtOLe_WlgPi-oQ7SxoI/edit#
Ale Nicotra over 6 years ago
Have the same problem :(
Arie Willem de Jongh over 6 years ago
Hi KK,
Unfortunately T-splines got acquired by Autodesk and they killed it in favor of their own Fusion 360 software. Luckily Rhino is working on their own solution using Subd modeling. There is a command in Rhino you can use called 'SubdFromMesh' (it doesn't have autocomplete, its a hidden command). This will transform a mesh into a Subd (or T-spline) geometry. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bfyr1wQBAib/?hl=nl&taken-by=thinkparametric
The problem is Rhino is still developing this feature, so it's a little buggy. Also you won't be able to do the Grasshopper part using T-splines.
I'm planning to redo the course using subd for Rhino when the feature is more mature.
KK Wong over 6 years ago
Thank you Arie! Looking forward