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Grasshopper Certification Course: Master Parametric Design

Parametric Modeling

Unlock your design potential with our Grasshopper Certification Course. Join us today and learn Practical Parametric Design Workflows using Grasshopper from Novice to Professional level!

Arie-Willem de Jongh

Arie-Willem de Jongh

Enroll Course

ThinkParametric Certification

Grasshoper Certificate

Welcome to our comprehensive Grasshopper certification course! Arie-Willem de Jongh - a veteran computational design expert - joins us again to teach and guide you through the course. The course consists of 7 modules, and we will cover everything you need to know about Grasshopper, followed by an exam to assess your skills and knowledge. Whether you are a complete beginner or an advanced user doesn't matter. This course will cover all the aspects of Grasshopper in detail with various practical examples.


Expand your design skills with the power of Grasshoper

Experience the evolution of architectural design with Grasshopper. Boost efficiency, precision, and gain valuable data-driven insights with parametric modeling.

Design Freedom

Grasshopper empowers designers to create highly complex and customizable 3D models by providing a visual programming interface. With Grasshopper, designers can manipulate parameters and inputs to explore various design possibilities. This flexibility allows for rapid iteration, enabling designers to fine-tune their designs and explore alternative solutions easily.

Efficiency and Productivity

With Grasshopper's visual interface, designers can automate repetitive tasks and create reusable design components. By creating parametric workflows, designers can quickly generate variations of their designs, saving time and effort. Grasshopper's ability to automate processes and handle complex calculations increases productivity and allows designers to focus more on the creative aspects of their work.


Integration and Collaboration

Grasshopper integrates seamlessly with Rhinoceros 3D, providing a cohesive workflow between 3D modeling and parametric design. This integration enables designers to leverage the modeling capabilities of Rhinoceros while harnessing the power of Grasshopper's parametric design tools. Additionally, Grasshopper supports interoperability with other design tools and programming languages, facilitating collaboration and data exchange with a broader design ecosystem.


Extensibility and Customization

Grasshopper offers a vast library of plugins and user-created components, expanding its functionality and providing endless possibilities for customization. Designers can utilize existing plugins or develop their own custom components to extend Grasshopper's capabilities. This extensibility allows designers to tailor Grasshopper to their specific needs, whether it's integrating advanced algorithms, connecting with external software, or creating unique design tools.

Introduction to Parametric Modeling

  • 1.- Overview - what will be covered in this module

    01min 20seg
  • 2.- What is Parametric Modeling

    17min 00seg
  • 3.- Important concepts to understand before starting

    07min 16seg

What is Grasshopper

  • 1.- Overview - What will be covered in this module

    01min 00seg
  • 2.- What Is Grasshopper and why use it

    08min 00seg
  • 3.- Opening Grasshopper for the first time

    05min 00seg
  • 4.- Grasshopper User Interface explained

    15min 45seg

Hello World, your first definition

  • 1.- Overview - What will be covered in this module

    03min 00seg
  • 2.- GH object types

    15min 32seg
  • 3.- The workings of a definition

    25min 12seg
  • 4.- Different Components Explained - pt1

    26min 00seg
  • 5.- Creating your first definition

    20min 03seg
  • 6.- Different Components Explained - pt2

    25min 00seg
  • 7.- Different Components Explained - pt3

    31min 28seg
  • 8.- Practice your Skills - pt1

    09min 18seg
  • 9.- Practice your Skills - pt2

    17min 38seg
  • 10.- Practice your Skills - pt3

    13min 01seg

Lists; how Grasshopper stores data

  • 1.- Overview - what will be covered in this module

    01min 02seg
  • 2.- What are Lists

    11min 43seg
  • 3.- Data Matching

    17min 00seg
  • 4.- Creating, Editing, and Managing Your Lists

    26min 10seg
  • 5.- Sets explained

    09min 46seg
  • 6.- Text operations

    14min 00seg
  • 7.- Exercise using Lists

    23min 20seg

Data Trees; how Grasshopper stores data

  • 1.- Overview - what will be covered in this module

    01min 24seg
  • 2.- What are Data trees or nested lists

    14min 16seg
  • 3.- Advance Data Tree Management

    22min 44seg
  • 4.- Exercise using Data Tree Manipulation - Part 1

    17min 10seg
  • 5.- Exercise using Data Tree Manipulation - Part 2

    12min 24seg

Clusters, User objects, Plugins and Scripting

  • 1.- Overview - what will be covered in this module

    02min 12seg
  • 2.- How to install extensions for Grasshopper

    07min 00seg
  • 3.- Your first Cluster

    21min 21seg
  • 4.- Turning your Cluster into a User Object

    10min 42seg
  • 5.- Where to find plugins and extensions

    09min 12seg
  • 6.- See the plugins in action - part 1

    18min 43seg
  • 7.- See the plugins in action - part 2

    10min 00seg
  • 8.- Scripting

    21min 10seg
  • 9.- Grasshopper Player and Remote Panel

    10min 44seg

Case Study Project

  • 1.- Overview - what will be covered in this module

    01min 00seg
  • 2.- Facade design case study - part 1

    16min 25seg
  • 3.- Facade design case study - part 2

    17min 05seg
  • 4.- Facade design case study - part 3

    15min 32seg
  • 5.- Facade design case study - part 4

    17min 37seg