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Deconstructing the Serpentine Wall: A Comprehensive Course in Parametric Design

Parametric Modeling

Master the art of parametric modeling with our in-depth course on Deconstructing the Serpentine Wall. Learn Rhino Grasshopper, parametric modeling, and fabrication techniques.

Brandon Gibbs

Brandon Gibbs

Enroll Course

Why take this course?

This course focusses on the whole workflow from design to standardizing to fabrication. It’s a great introduction of how to use parametric design methods using Rhinoceros 3d and Grasshopper 3d.

Why is it important to know Parametric Design?

Parametric design methods and workflows allow users to quickly iterate between different options, based on aesthetics, cost, construction constraints and much more. Knowing how to implement these skills drastically improves your execution time, and therefore lowering cost while maintaining high accuracy and reducing human error.

In this particular case, Brandon will go over the use of parametric design methods to design the wall and sharing his knowledge of working on this project

Learn what parametric design means

Learn the most important aspects of parametric design, like what does 'parametric' mean, what are parameters or variables, and how can they positivley influence your design. Furthermore, learn how to use parametric design to create generative design options, how to standardize your wall elements for construction and documentation.

Data exchange from Rhino to Excel

Learn how to bring back and forth data from Rhinoceros 3d and Microsoft Excel for construction, documentation and fabrication purposes.

Learn how to implement generative design in Grasshopper

Learn how to implement various design options in Grasshopper 3d using the sine wave formula as a simple introduction to generative design exploration.

Standardizing the members of the wall for fabrication

Designing your project in a 3D software is one thing, but getting it ready for fabrication and construction is a whole different ball game. Learn how to use parametric design methods to standardize your elements so they're ready for construction, without loosing control over your design and reducing human error.

  • 1.- Introduction to Parametric Design

    11min 03seg
  • 2.- Defining the form of the wall

    12min 21seg
  • 3.- Refining and adding different elements to the wall

    28min 44seg
  • 4.- Adding fabrication and construction constraints

    20min 09seg
  • 5.- Applying generative design methods to our wall

    37min 50seg
  • 6.- Cleaning and organizing our Grasshopper definition

    24min 31seg
  • 7.- Standardizing the various members for fabrication

    17min 18seg
  • 8.- Exporting the construction information to Excel for fabrication purposes

    15min 08seg